Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some of my favorite garden visitors



  1. Great set of photos ... you get some terrific looking visitors.

  2. What beautiful little visitors!
    I'm intrigued by all of them, but think I could only guess at the names of a couple. I would love it if you could post a list of names for us far flung folk (only if you have the time!)

  3. Your visitors are so sweet! I'm especially fond of the woodpeckers. The first...not sure if it's a Downy or a Hairy (probably neither, huh?). And I think the other is a Flicker, but again, not sure. So pretty, regardless! I'm definitely partial to them. Great shots!

  4. My visitors are few and far between this time of year. Chickadees and nuthatches is about it. Can I count the ravens that fly overhead?

    Christine in Alaska

  5. Wonderful shots! You caught your visitors being very candid, just doing their own thing. I love the guy shaking off the water drops!

  6. Wow!! I'm sending the link to this entry to a garden friend (but non-blogger)of mine! We very fondly refer to her as our favorite 'bird nerd'. (Her back garden is a bird santuary.) Great photography!!

  7. What wonderful bird images you have captured & thank you so much for visiting me.

  8. WOW, I want your camera! I can never shoot beautiful clear shots of birds like these. (And I love your green wall)
