Saturday, March 13, 2010

Clivia Plant

Here are a few pics of our clivia plant starting to bloom.


  1. Such a beautiful colour!

    I'm still looking for your blog on Blotanical ... hasn't surfaced there yet!

  2. Wonderful to see clivia in bloom again... I used to have two large ones and didn't water them through the winter- they normally did very well, but one year that got a horrible problem with mealybugs and I ended up trashing them... I still miss them... LC

  3. I don't know why Clivias are so expensive and hard to find. It's almost as though few people buy them because they're too dear, and that's why they're dear because they don't sell! They were far more common about 20 years ago. I guess we have the cheaper Amaryllis instead now as a winter bloomer.
